Cabbage is a leafy green (or purple for some varieties) biennial vegetable plat that is grown as an annual crop for its dense leaved heads. It is closely related to broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and lettuce. Cabbage heads range from 0.5 to 4 kg and they can be green, purple or white. Cabbage belongs to the brassica genus and oleracae species. Smooth leafed green cabbages are the most common ones. Cabbages are known to be cool season crops that best suit a maritime climate with mild temperatures. Cabbages can grow at temperatures above 7 o c. However, they grow best between temperatures of 15 o c to 18 o c. As temperatures increase, cabbages are prone to tip burn and at or beyond 27 o c, they may bolt. But they have moderately high frost tolerance. For optimum growth, cabbage plants need constant water supply, sunshine and good soil aeration. Except for most temperate areas, light soils in which cabbage plants are cultivated must be irrigated in order to avoid poor de...